
The proceedings of the conference will be published as one volume of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics.

The title is
“Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future”
edited by Yoshihiro Shibata.

The description of the volume will be as follows.

The rapid development of computers has enabled us to tackle problems in fluid phenomena. The mathematical studies are, however, still crucial to invent novel way to investigate unsolved problems, because numerical simulation itself does not suggest any new concepts. Mathematics can also play an important role to construct formulation and theory for complicated multi-scale phenomena in which the governing equations have not been known.

The research project titled “A challenge to unsolved problems in fluid engineering with modern mathematical analysis” is pursued since 2009 as part of the CREST - ABMS. The aim of the research is to tackle the above-mentioned problems enhancing the cooperation between mathematics and engineering. The 8th CREST-SBM International Conference titled “An International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future” is held on 11-14 November 2014 at Waseda University in Tokyo in order to announce the results obtained through the project as well as to stimulate other related researches. This book is an outcome of the conference which consists of papers offered by speakers. The contents range from the experimental study on cavitation jets to up-to-date mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations reflecting the feature of the conference.

Information for contributor

We would like to announce that all speakers are encouraged to submit their contributions to the proceedings, which will be published in the series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statics. The deadline for submission is February 28th, 2015.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by organizing committee members or external expert reviewers.

For preparing your manuscript, please download from the following button:

  1. Authors are strongly requested to follow the technical instructions (PROMS_Technical_Inst.doc) and use the manuscript templates (symult/templates/author.tex). Please ignore the instructions to editor.
  2. We expect submissions less than 30 pages, which have not been previously published in another journal.
To submit your paper, please send it to Yukihito Suzuki (by_suzuki §  § / → @) by email.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.